June 13th 2023
One of our core values at Cascades is that we ‘Welcome, care for, and build relationships with all people.”  No one is outside the bounds of God’s love and grace.  No one!  And so, we live out this calling to develop relationships of love with people who are very different from us.  As we do so, we find that we have more in common than we do in difference.  
June 5th 2023
This week, we return to Cascades' Core Values and learn about the importance of prayer.  We ask for God's guidance through prayer - and then act on it.  This was topic on the hearts of Jesus' disciples who asked him to teach them to pray.  In this moment, Jesus taught them the Lord's Prayer.  We discuss the many aspects of what, why, to whom, how, and for whom.  
May 30th 2023
On that first day of Pentecost, some thought Jesus’ disciples were drunk because they heard them speaking in strange languages they had never heard before. When the promised Holy Spirit came, it filled the disciples with the ability to do all sorts of wonderful and crazy things.  This leads me to wonder, what would it take for us to dream big dreams and take bigger risks for God’s kingdom in the Church today?  Are we crazy enough
May 22nd 2023
At Cascades we are committed to ministering to the whole person, mind, body, and soul.  But what exactly does that mean?  Today, we looked at the story where Jesus healed a woman who suffered from bleeding for twelve years and how he ministered to her whole person, mind, body, and soul.
May 8th 2023
The story of the early church in Acts 2:42-47 tells us that those first disciples of Jesus devoted themselves to four practices…the Apostles’ teachings, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.  And as they did those things, people flocked to be part of their unique community.  As we continue learning about Cascades' core values, today we learn more about how this scripture informs the kind of community that makes Cascades such a special place. &nbs
May 2nd 2023
Have you ever thought about what distinguishes worship at Cascades from any other Christian church?  One of our core values is that We Worship God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in spirit and in truth.  What does that mean as Reformed Christians?  While we are many things, we are first and foremost, founded on the Word of God; Christocentric; relational and communal; covenantal and missional; nurture God’s peopl
April 24th 2023
As Jesus’ followers we are called to be his faithful witnesses to our families, our neighbors, those we would rather avoid, and the poorest of the world’s poor.  How we do that at Cascades Presbyterian Church is the subject of our sermon series for the next couple of weeks.  We do this by placing a special emphasis on worship, Christian education, and by prayer, because we know that without the power of the Holy S
April 6th 2023
On Palm Sunday, we were reminded of palm leaves and a triumphal entry on a humble donkey as we saw Jesus reveal God to us.  We learned of how Jesus cleansed the temple as we also need to be cleansed.  We were reminded of the great gift God has for us of His salvation and eternal life.
March 27th 2023
Wars.  Pandemic.  Earthquakes.  Famines.  All things Jesus said would be the beginning signs of the coming end of the age.  But is it really the end of the world as we know it?  Well, yes and no!  The truth is that we will never know for sure, but Jesus does tell us to keep our eyes on him, listen to his voice, proclaim the Gospel always, and continue shining our light of hope to a darkened world.  
March 20th 2023
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