December 13th 2022
Joseph, Jesus’ adoptive earthly father, was a righteous man.  This meant that he lived faithfully according to the Old Testament Law.  More importantly, however, he was also a man after God’s own heart.  So when he was confronted with the news that his fiancé, Mary, was pregnant through the Holy Spirit and by him, he had to choose between being right or doing right.  With God’s help through th
December 5th 2022
When the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce that she would give birth to Jesus, she was very afraid.  But differently than Zechariah, Joseph, and the Shepherds, we see how her response was one that opened up the possibility of God working in and through her.  She wondered...
November 28th 2022
Anyone who has done any work on their genealogy knows that sometimes we can come across some juicy stories in our past, good, or bad. The same is true when we dive into Jesus’ genealogy in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew includes the stories of a deceiver, a prostitute, an adulterer, and a virgin, each of whom God used to birth the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Isn’t it great that God has room for every story in his family and can use even the wo
November 23rd 2022
"Leave no trace behind" might be a good mantra while wilderness hiking on a trail, but it doesn’t relate well to the trail of life.  Everyone will leave a legacy for those who will follow us in life, good or bad.  The Apostle Paul was very concerned about the spiritual legacy that he was leaving behind for Timothy, his young protege.  One last time, he encouraged Timothy to keep the main thing the main thing…Jesus Christ crucified, dead, bur
November 17th 2022
If it were our last days on earth and we knew that our loved ones were in theological peril, what would we say to them? Of what would we want them to be absolutely certain? That’s where we find the Apostle Paul with his charge to Timothy, his spiritual son. Paul exhorted Timothy that the true Gospel of Jesus Christ was different from the those of imposters because it reflected what Paul taught, professed, believed, and lived. And his characte
November 7th 2022
As the Apostle Paul endured his final imprisonment in Rome, he dreamt of what the Church in Ephesus could become.  In this week’s text from Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy, we hear words of encouragement to Timothy regarding the sort of Christian leadership that would be required for the church to thrive.